Friday, October 14, 2016


The Giver Is an American young adult novel by Lois Lowry. The novel Is a great book that shows what us would look like In an utopian world. The purpose and context of the book Is the most important because It’s so detailed In showing what It would be like If everyday things that we think are normal are taken away without our knowledge. Although It’s a young adult film It really Is a film for all ages due to the feelings It causes. The style and tone Is straight forward yet surprising to the characters and reader. The style and tone also make the novel stand out because It shows just because something looks perfect does not mean It Is.

    The audience for the The Giver are young adults, however the story Is relatable to everyone. The main character, Jonas has been chosen to be the next giver which means he will learn the truth about his community. The way the book shows us what really goes In the community proves that It Is relatable to everyone. Basicly over the course of a few weeks Jonas discovers what It’s like to feel happiness, pain, betrayal and a lot of other emotion’s he has never felt before. He finally uncovers what his community has been keeping from him which is relatable to everyone.

    The style and tone of the book builds up but still gets to the point enough to keep the readers attention. We think we are living In a perfect world but when we really find out what’s going on It makes us look at everything differently. For example Jonas’s father was a doctor, he delivered babies. Being as though this Is an perfect world Jonas see’s that when his dad deliver’s a baby and  If there Is anything wrong with It, the baby will be put to sleep. This makes Jonas very angry because he does not understand why this Is able to happen. Then again he also has to understand that his father does not even know what he Is doing because he cannot feel emotion. The tone effects the mood the reader feels.

Another feature that stands out the most In The Giver Is the style and context because It makes the reader more optimistic. This Is the best feature because they show us from the outside looking In that certain things are taken away from us without us knowing. This makes us appriciate what we have. We live In a world that wants to be perfect but does horrible things to be that way which Jonas Is experiencing. It relates to the readers because we can see and think about how everything Is controlled around us and makes us have to look deeper to uncover what we really see. Jonas tries to let everyone know what Is happening but everyone Is so used to living a lie that his word isn’t listened to. The reader can relate because everyday people are trying to inform us of things we don’t know therefore they are not listened too. This movie can makes us want to listen the next time we are put In a situation like this.

In conclusion, style and context Is what really makes The Giver a great novel because It shows real life events although they are fiction to really make that connection with the reader. The style makes the novel stand out and the audience can be everyone because of the story the book tells.

  • The Giver Summary


Thursday, October 6, 2016


My name is Shiverl, I live in northeast/ frankford with my mom and sisters. I like to hang out with friends and family and go out to the movies and out to eat usually. My favorite color is blue and pink and my birthday is December 27... yes 2 days after Christmas! No I do not get more gifts I actually get less, crazy right. In the future I would like to have a hair care line that's why I am in school for business.